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Wednesday, 16 June 2010
Merrifield, VA
(You may need to save it to your desktop and then open it with your calendar application)
Interactive Restaurant Experience
Interactive Restaurant Experience.
- Great American Restaurants will seat us at tables as if we are regular customers
- After dinner we will go back downstairs for a presentation by the staff of GAR (Great American Restaurants).
- They will tell us their processes for engaging the customer when they first walk in, to seating, to asking for meal etc..
- We will be asked to grade our experiences; friendliness of servers, quality of food, atmosphere etc..
Email programs13@asq0511.org by
Friday 11 June 2010
to register for this dinner meeting and presentation. Cost for dinner is $25.00 per person if reservations are made by deadline, $30 if otherwise. There is no charge to attend for the presentation only. But, if your plans change, please contact
programs13@asq0511.org, and let us know.
- 5:30pm - 6:30pm Monthly Board Meeting
- 6:30pm - 7:00pm Registration & Networking
- 7:00pm - 8:00pm Dinner
- 8:00pm - 9:00pm Section Business & Presentation
Meetings are open to all members as well as to the public.
Next Meeting:
Wednesday, 19 July 2010 - Amphora, Herndon, VA
If you attend ASQ Section 0511 monthly dinner meetings and pay for three dinners, then your fourth dinner at one of our meetings is free!!!
Call for Speakers!!!
Would you or someone you know like to speak at a future ASQ meeting? We're always looking for volunteers. Be creative! Exercise your public presentation skills! Earn recertification credits! Get a free dinner! Please contact
2000 -
©ASQ Section 0511;
http://www.asq0511.org programs13@asq0511.org
Maintained by Jeffrey M. Parnes