Northern Virginia ASQC Section 0511 Executive Board Minutes

4 March 1997


Mark Jones, Student Liaison (703) 620-8267
David Kae, Education (703) 620-8071
Catherine Brooks, Professional Liaison (703) 742-6160
Henry Kling, Membership (703) 360-9134
Walter Mendus, Historian (703) 354-5932
Dallas Frederick, Programs (703) 750-4273
Roger Semplak, Treasurer (703) 491-8227
Roger Schaffer, Examinations (703) 892-2740
Harvey Shaw, Chair (703) 769-3877

1. February 1997 minutes were approved as written.

2. Treasurer's Report:

January 1997 
	Beginning balance:  	$26,577.45
	Receipts & deposits:      5,175.12
	Expenditures:    	  3,278.39
	Ending Balance:    	$28,474.18
February 1997 
	Beginning balance:  	$28,474.18
	Receipts & deposits:      2,087.20
	Expenditures:    	  1,274.80
	Ending Balance:    	$29,286.58

3. Committee Reports:

Catherine Brooks, Professional Liaison talked about her committee (CQC) attending the Richmond, VA Forum for Excellence on 22 April 1997 (The Virginia U.S. Senate Productivity and Quality Award). A motion was made to spend $500.00 for mailing out the preprinted Forum brochure to ASQC 0511 members. The motion was seconded and carried.

4. A motion was put before the Board to have the Board pay up to and not to exceed $1,000.00 for the Chair to attend the AQC in Orlando 5-7 May 1997. The rationale behind the motion was that CQC would not be going and it was recommended that if approved, the Chair would attend as many of the sessions as possible for CQC at ACQ. Further discussion on this motion deemed that this would in NO WAY set any type of precedence for future Congress attendance costs. The motions was seconded and carried.

5. David Kae, Education reported that they had conducted two work shops 30/26 personnel attended respectively and they were very successful. The Education Committee will commence advertising on E:mail concerning the certification courses, CQA, CQE, etc. Also, AQP will start publicizing in their newsletters - our courses.

6. Henry Kling, Membership has compared zip codes with area map and has sent it to ASQC Headquarters. Section 0511 has a designated boundary area as posted in the original charter of the Section.

7. Roger Schaffer, Examinations - reported on certification exams on 1 March 1997:

30 personnel registered for exams

12 people participated in the CQSE exam

8 people participated in the CQM exam

2 people participated in the CRE exam

8. A motion was made to spend up to $300.00 for trinkets to pass out at various functions for our members/Board members. The motion was seconded and carried.

Catherine Brooks as the lead on this project and to report back to the Executive Board.

9. Dallas Frederick, Programs - reported that Jack West will be the speaker at the March 19th dinner meeting -"Change and Its Impact on Quality Profession".

10. The Work Technical Congress for 1998 contacted the Chair/ex-Director of 0511 to be a supporter. There will be a possibility to have a booth for 0511 at this function. Further information to follow.

11. A motion was made to expend money to buy a static display for Section 0511 for events outside. Catherine Brooks has the lead on this project. She will report back to the Executive Board on costs and length of time to have it delivered. A prime reason for buying this display is to have it for the Virginia Quality Award Form in Richmond on the 22nd of April 1997. The motion was seconded and carried.

12. Newsletter is ready for distribution. Section 0511 had a Canadian firm place an ad in our latest newsletter ($60.00).

13. Strategic Plan for the Section is still on hold. The present Chair-Elect has not shown at any of the meetings (his responsibility to formulate and institute the Strategic Plan within the Board) - therefore it is on hold.

14. Section 0511 has FAILED to meet ASQC Headquarters requirements of submitting our 1997/1998 Board members - due to Headquarters on 1 March 1997. Therefore, if anyone wants to run for Chair-Elect against Norm Hills - they will have until the 15th of March to submit a hard copy of a resume to Catherine Brooks so she can put out a ballot again this year to all members. This date was proposed by the Board members and approved by all. C. Brooks has the task to get the ballots out and find a teller for the run-off. All ballots will be required back by 15 April 1997 and results ready for the May dinner meeting.

15. Sal Sciccitani of the Phily Section was elected as Region 5 Regional Director.

16. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. - next Executive Board meeting will be held on

3 April 1997 at the Double Tree Hotel, off Route 7 in Tysons Corner.